HB's English Links--Classical Magnet School

Commenting in Word

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1.  Open the link below "LOTF Example for Comments".  (Do not save it on your computer--just open it!)

2.  Find the sentence that begins:  "The qualities that a leader should have..."

3.  Using your mouse, highlight (select) the word "is" in that sentence.

4.  Click on "Review" tab at the top of the screen.

5.  Click on "New Comment" and a bubble will appear to the right of the text.

6.  Write in the bubble "should be: are".  YAY!  YOU ENTERED A COMMENT

7.  Click the mouse back on the text of the essay.

8.  Right-click on the bubble.. 

9.  Choose the "Delete Comment" option.  YAY!  You deleted the comment!

LOTF Example for Comments