Easy MLA Citation

Prose with 1 Character Speaking, 4+ lines long, non-Shakespeare

General Tips & FAQ's

You need to block quote the text.


  1. Introduce the quotation in your paragraph.
  2. INDENT twice to start copying the quotation.
  3. Copy the quotation exactly as it appears in the text, but you do not have to worry about line breaks--just let the text flow according to the program you're using.
  4. If you are block quoting from more than one paragraph, INDENT in the same place(s) that occur in the original text.
  5. Make sure to copy the punctuation marks EXACTLY as they appear in the original text: DO NOT ADD QUOTATION MARKS when you block quote.
  6. After you've completed copying the quotation, make sure that the entire block quote is indented ("tabbed") twice from the left margin.
  7. When you get to the end of the quotation, include the information about where the quotation occurred in the text. Here's the formula for that:

Open parentheses + author's name + page number(s) + Close parentheses

Example: (Golding 32-33) = Golding's book, pages 32-33

8. Place a period at the END of the quotation after the close parentheses.

9. Continue your paragraph with analysis of the quotation, but DO NOT INDENT. What you say next should be at the LEFT MARGIN of the page.

Lennie is a big, muscular, hardworking man, who does as he is told without question. He does not think before he acts, which regrettably gets him into a lot of trouble. Trouble meaning, he either gets yelled at, chased, or almost becomes sick. For example, Lennie and George came by a clearing and Lennie foolishly ran to it and began drinking the water.

Lennie for god’s sake, don’t drink so much. You gonna get sick like you was last night. I aint even sure it good water, looks kinda scummy…Don’t really seem to be running though. You never oughtta drink water when it aint running, Lennie. You’d drink outta a gutter if you was thirsty” (Steinbeck 3).

Most people would not drink water out of an unfamiliar place, which is why George did not, but Lennie, having a disability, acts without thinking.

Giving Credit to Authors is COOL!

Works Cited! Go HERE!

Works Cited! Try HERE if the first one doesn't help!