OMAM Rubric (for download)
for Of Mice and Men paper!
in with your FINAL DRAFT
q Double-spaced or skipped lines (writing
on only one side of paper)
q Computer generated:
q <= 12 point
q Font = Arial, Comic Sans, or Times
New Roman
q margins <= 1.25”
q no extra spaces between paragraphs
q Heading includes name, due date, period,
title of paper
q Works Cited section is correct
q Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York: Penguin, 1993. Print.
q The Internet Classics Archive. Ed. Daniel Stevenson. MIT. 2009.
22 Mar 2010.
q Parenthetical MLA Citation is correct
q (Steinbeck 27).
q block quotation is used when
o quotation is more than 4 lines long when written
in paper OR
o more than one person is speaking
q 3+ relevant, connected quotations from literature
or other sources
q quotations are
(numbered (1))
q Paper length = 2+pages (does NOT include heading!)
q Developed, logical, clear, concise thesis
q Thesis is underlined
q Presence of introduction and conclusion paragraphs
q Original work
q Written in third person (no “you,”
“I,” “me,” “us,” “we,” “your” etc.)
q Presence of 3 correctly used and indicated Word
Bank words
q No errors with run-ons
q No errors with its/it’s
q No errors with women/woman
q Present tense used throughout the paper (literature is “alive”)
Mice and Men Essay, October 2010: USE THIS RUBRIC THREE TIMES! (SAVE PAPER!)
4 Exemplary |
3.25 Proficient |
2.5 Limited |
1 Deficient |
Peer Evaluation |
Self-Evaluation |
Teacher Evaluation |
FCA 1: Format
(10%--20 points) |
· Double-spaced or skipped lines (writing on only
one side of paper)
· Computer generated: <= 12 point, Arial, Comic
Sans, or Times New Roman, margins <= 1.25”, no extra spaces between paragraphs
· Heading includes name, due date, period, title of
· Works Cited section is correct |
· Double-spaced or skipped lines (writing on only
one side of paper)
· Computer generated: <= 12 point, Arial, Comic
Sans, or Times New Roman, margins <= 1.25”, no extra spaces between paragraphs
· Heading includes name, due date, period, title of
· 1-3 errors with MLA citation OR Works Cited |
· Double-spaced or skipped lines (writing on only
one side of paper)
· Computer generated: <= 12 point, Arial, Comic
Sans, or Times New Roman, margins <= 1.25”, no extra spaces between paragraphs
· Heading includes name, due date, period, title of
· 4 + errors with MLA citation or Works Cited |
One of the following is missing
· Double-spaced or skipped lines (writing on only
one side of paper)
· Computer generated: <= 12 point, Arial, Comic
Sans, or Times New Roman, margins <= 1.25”, no extra spaces between paragraphs
· Heading includes name, due date, period, title of
· MLA parenthetical notation or Works Cited is absent |
_______x 5 =
_______x 5 =
_______x 5 =
FCA 2: Content (60%--120 points) |
· 3+ relevant, connected quotations from literature, or other sources
· quotations are (numbered (1))
· Paper length = 2+pages
· Developed, logical, clear, concise thesis
· Thesis is underlined
· Presence of introduction and conclusion paragraphs
· Original work |
· 3 relevant, connected quotations from literature, or other sources quotations are
(numbered (1))
· Paper length = 2 pages
· Clear, logical thesis & is underlined
· Presence of introduction and conclusion paragraphs
· Original work |
· 2 relevant OR connected quotations from literature, or other sources
· Paper length = 1-2 pages
· Thesis present
· Presence of introduction and conclusion paragraphs
· Original work |
· 1 relevant OR connected quotation from literature, articles, class lectures
· Paper length = 1-2 pages
· Thesis is inadequate or underdeveloped
· Presence of introduction and conclusion paragraphs |
_______ x 15 =
______ |
_______ x 15 =
______ |
_______ x 15 =
______ |
FCA 3: Word Bank & Conventions (20%--40 points) |
· Written in third person
· Grammatical errors are non-existent or do not obfuscate meaning
· Presence of 3 correctly used and indicated Word Bank words
· No errors with run-ons
· No errors with its/it’s
· No errors with women/woman |
· Written in third person
· 1-4 grammatical errors which do not obfuscate meaning
· Presence of 3 correctly used and indicated Word Bank words
· 1-3 Errors with the following:
· Run-ons
· Its/it’s
· Women/woman |
· Attempts at writing in third person
· 4-10 grammatical errors which obfuscate meaning at times
· Presence of 1-2 correctly used and indicated Word Bank words
· 4-6 Errors with the following:
· Run-ons
· Its/it’s
· Women/woman |
· Not written in third person
· 10+ major grammatical errors
· No Word Bank words
· 7+ errors with the following:
· Run-ons
· Its/it’s
· Women/woman |
_______ x 10 =
______ |
_______ x 10 =
______ |
_______ x
10 =
______ |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Peer evaluation |
Self-Evaluation |
Teacher Evaluation |
CAPT SCORE (10%--20 points) |
Initial Understanding |
Demonstrates a basic understanding of the story as a whole. The interpretation is richly supported with examples from the text. |
Demonstrates a basic understanding of the story as a whole. The interpretation is thoughtful and well-supported with examples from the text. |
Demonstrates a basic understanding of the story as a whole
& provides a plausible interpretation supported with examples from the text. |
Demonstrates some understanding of portions of the text
or of the story as a whole. |
Demonstrates a literal or superficial understanding of
portions of the text or the story as a whole |
Demonstrates limited understanding &/or serious misunderstanding
of portions of the text or the story as a whole. |
______ x .83 = ______ |
______ x .83 =
______ |
______ x .83 = ______ |
Inter-pretation |
Demonstrates exceptional ability to reflect, revise, reshape
&/or deepen initial understanding. |
Demonstrates acceptable ability to reflect, revise, reshape
&/or deepen initial understanding. |
Demonstrates some ability to reflect, revise, reshape
&/or deepen initial understanding. |
Demonstrates limited ability to reflect, revise, reshape
&/or deepen initial understanding. |
Demonstrates little ability to reflect, revise, reshape
&/or deepen initial understanding. |
Demonstrates no ability to reflect, revise, reshape &/or
deepen initial understanding. |
______ x .83 = ______ |
______ x .83 =
______ |
______ x .83 = ______ |
Connection |
Demonstrates perceptive associations & connections
between story & other texts &/or outside experiences & supports these connections with examples |
Demonstrates associations/connections between the text,
other texts, &/or outside experience; generally supports these connections with examples from the text |
Demonstrates some associations/connections between the
text, other texts, &/or outside experience, may not be supported with examples from the text |
Demonstrates an association/connection between the text,
other texts, &/or outside experience, superficial, lacks depth &/or support |
Demonstrates difficulty making or supporting an association
&/or connections between the story & outside experiences |
Demonstrates no meaningful associations/connections between
the text, other texts, &/or outside experiences |
______ x .83 = ______ |
______ x .83 = ______ |
______ x .83 = ______ |
Critical Stance |
Demonstrates perceptive judgments about the literary quality
of the story & supports these judgments with examples from the text &/or outside experiences |
Demonstrates thoughtful judgments about the literary quality
of the story & supports these judgments with examples from the text &/or outside experiences |
Demonstrates judgments about the literary quality of the
story but they tend to lack depth &/or are not well supported with examples from the story &/or outside experiences. |
Demonstrates judgments about the literary quality of the
story but they lack depth & are not supported with examples from the story &/or outside experiences. |
Demonstrates limited judgment about the literary quality
that is superficial or emotional or is not supported with examples from the story or outside experiences. |
Demonstrates no awareness of the literary quality of the
story. |
______ x .83 = ______ |
______ x .83 = ______ |
______ x .83 = ______ |
SELF-EVALUATION: TOTAL POINTS EARNED ____________/200 = ____________%