Things That Should Happen During a Seminar
Preparation for
- Text chosen was
appropriate for a seminar AND the age of the students.
- The room was set
up so that participants could make eye contact with each other.
- Facilitator had
clearly stated expectations for behavior as evidenced by the students’ actions.
- Facilitator was
seated on the same level as the students during the seminar.
- Facilitator was
knowledgeable about the text being discussed AND could locate references in the text quickly.
- Facilitator refrained
from giving his/her own opinion during the seminar.
- Facilitator encouraged
student interaction by keeping track of those who spoke, providing opportunities for shy students, asking follow0up questions,
AND asking students to respond to what had been said.
- Facilitator guided
students if they made factual errors when necessary.
- Facilitator asked
for clarification AND connections between ideas.
- Facilitator brought
students back to the text when digressing.
- Facilitator kept
one or two students from dominating or monopolizing the conversation.
- Facilitator kept
the seminar participants from arguing out of control.
- Facilitator occasionally
paraphrased students’ remarks when necessary.
- Facilitator accepted,
encouraged, AND supported divergent views and opinions.
- Facilitator included
the whole group in the discussion AND did not focus on only a few members.
- Facilitator’s
body language AND facial expressions were accepting of all students
- Facilitator refrained
from summarizing at the end of the seminar
Questioning Strategies:
- Opening question was broad AND each participant was given an opportunity to respond.
- Facilitator was
a good listener AND framed follow-up questions from student comments.
- Facilitator asked
questions that generated higher-order thinking responses from the students.
- Facilitator asked
questions that encouraged students to explore relevance of text to their present lives.
- Facilitator allowed
sufficient wait-time for student to think before the students responded or another question was asked.
- Questions posed
did not lead the students to a preconceived “right” answer.
- Facilitator made
smooth transitions between questions asked.
- Facilitator questioned
students, not telling or teaching factual knowledge about the text.
Student Participation
- Students had a copy of the text in front of them.
- Students observed
the rules of seminar participation.
- Students talked
more than the facilitator.
- Students did not
require permission to speak during the seminar.
- Students directed
their comments to each other rather than the facilitator.
- Students showed
respect for others’ views and opinions by listening AND by not criticizing other students for different responses.
- Students supported
their statements with references to the text.
- Students used each
others’ names when agreeing or disagreeing with other students.
- Students asked
questions during the seminar.
- Students were comfortable
sharing opinions based on text, evidenced by a conversation-like atmosphere.