Exemplary (4) |
Proficient (3.25) |
Limited (2.5) |
Deficient (1) |
Participation & Understanding of Task/Topic
(x 4)
Student is equitably involved in group; Class time
is always used wisely and efficaciously; Students is able to rephrases project in own words (16) |
Student is involved in group; minimal redirection
needed; Class time is mostly used wisely and efficaciously; Student rephrases project description in own words (13) |
Student is not equitably involved in group; redirection
needed often; Class time is sometimes used wisely; Student repeats task as defined by project description (10) |
Student allows group member(s) to complete work
for him/her; teacher(s) has(/have) to redirect excessively; class time is not used wisely; Student cannot discuss project
task or his/her part in its completion (4) |
Research & MLA (x
Fully developed, accurate, well-documented research
evident; MLA format correct (16) |
Adequate, accurate research evident; 1-2 errors
with MLA format (13) |
Research details are insufficient and/or generalized
and/or not evident; MLA format is incomplete, incorrect, or missing (10) |
Incomplete; insufficient research; incorrect details;
MLA format absent or incorrect (4) |
Presentation/ Performance (x3)
Effective delivery, smooth pace, consistent eye
contact, prepared; Understands situation and role exceptionally well; thoroughly incorporates research in presentation; PowerPoint
used to enhance presentation; no instances of reading off the slide at all (12) |
Pace may be a bit slow or fast; volume varies; eye
contact maintained most of time; prepared; Understands situation and role; incorporates some research, but content could show
more depth; PowerPoint used to enhance presentation; 1-2 instances of reading directly
from slide (9.75) |
Eye contact favors one part of the room; difficult
to hear; pace is irregular; unprepared; Understands situation, but role is unclear; little research is incorporated; PowerPoint did not enhance presentation; slides were read overly depended
upon during presentation (7.5) |
Inaudible, little eye contact; presenters are not
serious and/or group not prepared; Unclear of both role and situation; very little, if any, research incorporated; PowerPoint
did not enhance presentation; information on slides read for the entirety
or multiple instances of faltering due to lack of preparation or inappropriate slide layout (3) |
Enthusiasm & Gravitas (x2)
Facial expressions and body language generate a
strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others AND student exhibits comprehension of the gravity of the subject
matter (8) |
Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate
a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others AND student exhibits comprehension of the gravity of the subject
matter (6.5) |
Facial expressions and body language are used to
try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat forced OR student exhibits mild comprehension of the gravity of the subject
matter (5) |
Very little use of facial expressions or body language.
Did not generate much interest in topic being presented OR student does not exhibit comprehension of the gravity of the subject
matter (2.5) |
Quality of Plan or Procedures
Plan reflects a personalized approach to meeting
project criteria & clearly illustrates reasoning for decisions (4) |
Approach reflects a personalized approach to meeting
project criteria (3.25) |
Student’s plan meets basic project criteria
(2.5) |
Student’s plan does not meet project criteria
(1) |
Visual Aid
Appropriately-sized/matched to purpose, outstanding
content, colorful, balanced; design tied to content, visible from other areas of the
room; Visual aid (costume, poster, and/or PowerPoint) shows considerable
work/creativity and which make the presentation better (4) |
Can be seen by most in the room, effective use of
color, tied to content; Visual aid shows some work/creativity and which make the presentation better (3.25) |
Some color, product is loosely tied to content;
needs to work on balance and neatness; Visual aid improves the presentation (2.5) |
Design is inadequate and/or is too small/inappropriately
matched; content is incomplete or gives the appearance of being "thrown together"; inadequate use of color; No visual aid
OR visual aid detracts from the presentation (1) |
Student is completely prepared and has obviously
rehearsed (4) |
Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed
a few more rehearsals (3.25) |
The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear
that rehearsal was lacking (2.5) |
Student does not seem at all prepared to present
(1) |
Posture and Eye Contact
Stands up straight, looks relaxed and confident.
Establishes eye contact with audience during the presentation (4) |
Stands up straight and attempts to establish eye
contact with audience(3.25) |
Sometimes stands up straight OR sometimes establishes
eye contact (2.5) |
Slouches and/or does not look at people during the
presentation (1) |
Speaks Clearly & Effectively
Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time, and
mispronounces no words (4) |
Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time OR mispronounces
1-3 words (3.25) |
Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time;
OR mispronounces 4-6 words (2.5) |
Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces
more than 7 words (1) |