Name___________________________ Meeting Date __________
Reading ___________________________________
Your job is to draw some kind of picture or thinking
map related to the selection. You can draw a sketch, cartoon, diagram, or any
kind of graphic organizer. You can illustrate something that’s discussed
specifically in the reading or something that the reading reminded you of, or a picture that conveys any idea or feeling you
got from the reading. Make your illustration on another sheet of paper, or on
the back of this sheet, and attach it to this one before handing in this assignment.
Presentation Plan: Show your illustration without
comment to your group members. Ask them to talk about your picture’s meaning,
and to connect the drawing/map to what you’ve read. After everyone else
has spoken, tell them what your thoughts are about your picture.
Comments to share with your group (reasons why you
drew what you drew, etc.):
Name_________________________________ Meeting Date ________
Reading _____________________________
Your job is to find connections between the selection
and the world outside. This means making text-to-self, text-to-text, and/or text-to-world
Some connections I found in this reading are (minimum
of 3):
Possible kinds of connections:
Happenings at school World events
Problems you have had Artistic or media connections
Similar books or authors Subjects studied at school
Name______________________________ Meeting Date __________
Reading ___________________________________
Philosophers are people who
ask big questions, who do not necessarily accept things at face value but think about the implications, assumptions, and possibilities
of what people do and say. You will ask questions that will help your group share its
reactions and explore interesting ideas. Ideally, these questions should be ones that
you are interested in talking about and that have a number of possible answers.
Possible discussion questions or topics for today
(minimum of five!):
Sample Questions
What was going through your mind as you read ___?
What surprised you?
What did you learn from this portion?
Literary Luminary
Name___________________________ Meeting Date __________
Literary Luminaries are people who celebrate the images, sounds,
and ponderings caused by words on pages. They read, they think, and they read things
aloud to watch the reactions of their friends and families. You will be the group member
who reads great lines aloud to help your group laugh, sympathize, see images, hear sounds, or simply remember the most interesting
scenes. These lines could be ones that you like; they might include interesting words
or phrases; or they might help you imagine something in a new way. You should also
think about HOW you are going to read this line (tone of voice, where you stress the words, etc.) to your group members!
Possible reasons for picking a certain passage:
Use of Poetic Language
Notes/Thoughts about the line(s): ___________________________________
Line(s): _______________________________________________________
Notes/Thoughts about the line(s): ___________________________________
Device Master/Mistress
(An HB Original...)
Name ______________________ Date _______
Reading ___________________
The device master/mistress knows all the literary devices and
elements, and is ever on the lookout for the use of such devices by authors that he/she reads.
He/she knows that one of the characteristics of a “good” writer is mastery in using such devices to get
the writer’s message across, while understanding that an author cannot possibly use all the literary devices in a piece
of literature. The device master/mistress must do three things:
a. find examples of the
literary devices in the reading
b. know and be able to
explain why these are examples of the literary devices
c. discuss the use of
the literary device, and the impact (effect) it has on the author’s message and/or the reader
point of view
rhetorical question
Literary Device Example of literary device Impact on message
and/or reader
Literary Device |
Example from Literature |
Impact on Reader |