Before You Hand in a Final Draft:
q You will get feedback from a peer, which is INVALUABLE!
q You should send Ms HB a draft via email:, or you can always turn in a hard copy (usually a 48-hour (or less) turn-around time & she’ll email you back the
file with revision ideas)
Handing in Papers:
@ They are due at 8:10 AM on the due date.
@ Lateness to school (unless there is a written excuse
from a parent) is not an excuse for lateness.
@ Papers should be electronically submitted. You will
receive your grade electronically as well. (Go, Earth!) Then, you will be able to print out the paper with my comments and the scores and add that to your writing
@ On the due date of the paper,
o Ms HB will try to meet you in the 3rd floor computer lab.
o At 8:00, she will return to her room and LOCK THE COMPUTER LAB door.
@ Format:
o double space
o no larger than 12-point font
o Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, or Comic Sans
@ Make sure you fill out the self-evaluation portion of the rubric.
@ Every paper MUST have a “Works Cited” page
o You must cite every non-original thought and the quotations you used as evidence in MLA style
Formal Journal Checks:
® are completed at the end of the marking period
® include the word bank (50 words per quarter)
® include the table of contents
® include the completion of all homework assignments which should be in the journal
® include all the bellwork from the quarter
® include all other notes/entries done in class
® (Use the Model Journal in the room if you missed a day!)
Homework Checks:
s You will most likely have to leave your journal overnight with Ms HB when it is your turn to
get your work checked. You can get it back the next school day.
s Homework will be checked randomly, and equally. Everyone’s
homework will be checked and given feedback on a rotating basis. A grade will
be entered according to how well you mastered the skills that are being assessed on the homework assignment.
s Homework often includes actively reading a text. You
should be prepared to demonstrated that you actively and successfully read the text during the next class period. This proof will come in the form of quizzes or other assessments.
s If you were absent, then you have until the next class meeting to make up the missing homework,
in addition to the homework assigned the day you returned to class.
s Check Ms HB’s website for the homework assignment, too.
Extra Credit Structure
C I like to catch you doing the right thing (e.g. doing bellwork without being asked, doing something
nice for someone else, volunteering brilliantly in class)
C If I give you a special smiley sticker, place it in the FRONT of your journal
C Each smiley sticker is worth 3 extra credit points
C At the end of the marking period, when your journal is graded, I will tally up the total number
of stickers, multiply it by three, and add that to your points in the “Civic/Social” Category
C If you also have leftover Bathroom Tickets, I will also add that into your total points
Non-negotiables in Ms HB’s
ü You will not chew gum or eat candy or other food
in class (unless we have a planned event).
ü If you are walking in the classroom door when
the bell rings (or any time after that) without a legitimate pass, you are late. You
will serve a lunch detention.
ü Water is good for your brain. You may drink it in class (unless it becomes a nuisance, which I am sure it won’t) in a see-through
container or a SIGG. Be prepared for me to do a bottle check.
ü Everyone deserves to be a fully participating
member of the class = Social Contract. As such, everyone deserves to be truly
respected. If you choose not to live up to this level of respect expectations,
you will be called out on it by the other members of the class. (Moral of the
story: Be nice and listen.)
Classroom Jobs:
Each marking period three
jobs will be given to volunteers (who will earn extra credit points for FAITHFULLY completing the job!)
Collector/Distributor: when assignments or
materials need to be collected this person goes into action AND checks the TBR folder EVERY class meeting and passes out items
in the folder at the start of class
Timer Keeper: this person sets the time & lets Ms HB know that the timer has gone
Journal Custodian: this person adds entries
in the class journal (for students who are absent)
Bathroom/Leaving the Room Policy:
B At the beginning of each marking period, you will receive 3 bathroom/leaving the room tickets.
B TAPE THEM INTO YOUR JOURNAL. You may go to the bathroom
or leave the room on other business THREE times during my class period during the course of a marking period.
B When you wish to leave the room, present BOTH the ticket AND a pass with all the pertinent information
to Ms HB, and she will smile and sign it, taking away your 10-point ticket (so sad!).
B HOWEVER (the good news), if you keep all three tickets until the end of the marking period, you
will receive 10 extra credit points for each ticket you have maintained, for a possible total of 30 extra credit points!
Ms HB’s Website:
What you can find here:
v Homework assignments
v Background information on class
v Current Essay Assignment & Rubric
v 10th Grade Team Information & Forms
v Links to good sites
Ms HB’s Facebook page:
“HB’s English Page”
v Friend me!
v I’ll put up reminders, links, etc.
v NO inappropriate discussions or interactions with one another will be tolerated.
10th grade team will be working hard with you to help you to organize your time effectively. We believe that the better you are able to organize your time, the more success you will encounter, and
the happier you will be. As such, we will be talking about how to use your time
in the most efficacious manner possible!