HB's English Links--Classical Magnet School

Crimes Against Humanity Written Reflection 2012

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Some generalities about the Written Portion:

  • Due 5/4 to Ms HB via email by 8:10 AM
  • EACH member of the group independently prepares this written portion


What the written portion needs to include:

  1. Paragraph describing your individual role in the presentation and your own self-analysis about how well you completed your role
  2. Paragraph explaining  the process that you and your group undertook to get to the final presentation (your research methods, your planning, what questions you were focusing on—refer back to your Proposal Form)
  3. Two to three paragraphs about what you learned/what questions you did answer AND what additional questions or topics arose as you did your research; reflect upon the overarching questions:

§  Why do certain groups of people alienate, isolate, and attempt to exterminate other groups of people?

§  What can we do to stop crimes against humanity, and who is responsible to speak or act out against crimes against humanity?

§  Can silence be dangerous?

§  What is the significance of the statement “Never again”?


  1. Paragraph explaining what could have gone better with your project and/or what difficulties you encountered, and how you dealt with the challenges


Exemplary (4)

Acceptable (3.25)

Limited (2.5)

Deficient (1)

Role Completion Self-Analysis

Student demonstrates a thorough & honest understanding of his/her role & how well he/she fulfilled his/her responsibilities

Student demonstrates adequate understanding of his/her role & how well he/she fulfilled his/her responsibilities

Student demonstrates limited or unrealistic understanding of his/her role & how well he/she fulfilled his/her responsibilities

Student’s description of his/her completion does not match his/her output

Process Description

Student clearly grasps group’s planning process, & had pivotal role in process

Student grasps group’s planning process, & had a role in process

Student moderately grasps group’s planning process, & had a minor or undefined role in process

Student’s comprehension of process is superficial or absent; his/her role is questionable

Metacognition & Description of Learning

 Group’s questions have been effectively answered & individual student’s comprehension of issues has been enhanced

Group’s questions have been adequately answered & individual student’s comprehension of issues has been enhanced

Attempts made to answer group’s questions & student seems to have come upon some greater comprehension

Student’s learning is negligible or absent; questions have not been answered OR student has not had a role in answering the questions

Analysis of Challenges

Student honestly assesses challenges met during project & describes how challenges were handled

Student adequately assesses challenges met during project & describes how challenges were handled

Students has some understanding of how challenges were met

Student did not deal with challenges OR challenges were not accurately assessed