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Chaucer Poem Presentation Information

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Chaucer Presentation

English Mini-Coached Project, October 24 (1), 25 (3, 4, 6), 26 (7), 2011


With a partner or two you will create a presentation that:

·         Discusses the meaning/ significance/ theme of your assigned poem

·         RESEARCHES the poem’s history and discusses the historical significance of the poem:  what does the poem tell us about Chaucer’s society and time period (14th century)?  What do we learn about what people believed during the 14th century, using the poem as evidence of the time period (New Historicist Literary Criticism)?  If we consider Chaucer’s personal biography, how does this poem further our understanding of the poet?

·         Includes a paraphrase of a portion of the poem (your choice of lines, minimum 6 lines)

·         Includes a graphic to accompany your poem (a drawing, a computer-generated depiction, or something that I haven’t yet imagined!)

·         Discusses the literary terms/ devices used in the poem; you can choose from the following tenth-grade list, or use other literary terms that you have found: 

anaphora simile paradox setting
rhyme scheme stretch rhyme synecdoche tone
apostrophe symbolism verisimilitude foreshadowing
hyperbole connotation oxymoron parallelism
alliteration juxtaposition characterization antithesis
meter metaphor conflict hubris
personification allusion dialogue theme
pun imagery plot mood
rhyming couplet irony point of view understatement
rhetorical question


Exemplary (4)

Proficient (3.25)

Limited (2.5)

Deficient (1)

Reading:  Poem Analysis (significance/ meaning) (25 points)

Poem significance discussed thoroughly with multiple relevant references to text; a theme astutely identified (25 points)

Poem significance discussed with a few relevant references to text; one theme loosely identified (20 points)

Poem significance discussed but could be missing references to text OR  one theme identified but insufficient support for this theme (16 points)

Poem significance unclear and/or missing textual references AND/OR theme incorrectly or inadequately identified (6)

Reading:  Critical Stance (literary term awareness) (25 points)

Four literary terms/ devices correctly identified and analyzed (25 points)

Three literary terms/ devices correctly identified and analyzed (20 points)

Two literary terms/ devices correctly identified and analyzed (16 points)

0-1 literary terms/ devices correctly identified and analyzed (6 points)

Writing:  Historical Significance (50 points)

Historical references show adequate research; history and poem are connected; Perceptive conclusions about 14th century society made based on poem (50 points)

Historical references show some research; history and poem are connected; Some conclusions about 14th century society made based on poem (41 points)

Historical references not adequately researched; OR history and poem are loosely connected; OR Conclusion about 14th century society insufficient or inaccurate (31 points)

Historical research missing AND/OR history and poem are not connected AND/OR Conclusions about 14th century society missing or incorrect (13 points)

Presentation: Quality of Presentation & Graphic (50 points)

Volume appropriate throughout presentation; AND Visual aid assists the presentation AND Graphic demonstrates  comprehension of poem (50 points)

Two of the following are present: Volume appropriate throughout presentation; Visual aid assists the presentation; Graphic demonstrates  comprehension of poem (41 points)

One of the following are present: Volume appropriate throughout presentation; Visual aid assists the presentation; Graphic demonstrates  comprehension of  poem (31 points)

Presentation is incomplete and/or graphic is incomprehensible (13 points)

Civic/Social:  Group Dynamics (25 points)

Work load fairly distributed among all group members AND class time used wisely (no reminders from others) (25 points)

Work load fairly distributed among MOST group members OR class time used wisely for the most part (a few reminders from others) (20 points)

Work load fairly distributed among A FEW group members OR class time used wisely for the about half of the time (multiple reminders from others) (16 points)

Work load not evenly or fairly distributed and/or class time not used wisely (6 points)